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Draft: Thriller

617 bytes added, 11 February
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Marinelli continues to talk shop about sound creation, musical gear and composing on his own Youtube channel. Episodes that have gained media attention include: "How I Programmed The Bass On Michael Jackson's PYT",<ref name="YouTube Bass PYT"/><ref name="Rogerson 2023 Yahoo PYT"/> "MJ's Billie Jean Bass - It’s 4 Instruments!" featuring Paul Jackson Jr., <ref name="YouTube Billie Jean bass"/><ref name="Carr 2022 b760"/> and "The Billie Jean Chord Stack - It’s 4 Sounds!".<ref name="YouTube Billie Jean chord"/><ref name="Rogerson 2023 Billie Jean chord"/> Additional noteworthy topics include jams with Doctor Mix,<ref name="MATRIXSYNTH: Anthony Marinelli Doctor Mix Synth Jam 1 2004 f698"/> and a discussion of [[Giorgio Moroder]]'s work process with engineer Ross Hogarth,<ref name="MusicTech 2024 Moroder"/>
Other collaborations include Doctor Mix, [[Giorgio Moroder]]'s work process with engineer Ross Hogarth,<ref name="MusicTech 2024 Moroder"/> Marinelli was interviewed in his studios for appeared in the film ''[[Thriller 40 (film)|Thriller 40]]'' (2023) (Showtime - Paramount+).<ref name="George 2023 Thriller 40"/><ref name="BRICE NAJAR 2023 t311"/>
{{Wide image|File:Photo-of-Thriller-40-Credit-Roll.jpg|800|Photo of Thriller 40 (2023) Credit Roll|900|center|alt=Photo of Thriller 40 (2023) Credit Roll}}
<ref name="YouTube Billie Jean chord">{{cite web | title=The Billie Jean Chord Stack | website=YouTube | url= | access-date=2024-02-11}}</ref>
<ref name="MATRIXSYNTH: Anthony Marinelli Doctor Mix Synth Jam 1 2004 f698">{{cite web | title=CS80, 73 Moog Modular, FVS, ARP 2600 | website=MATRIXSYNTH: Anthony Marinelli Doctor Mix Synth Jam 1 | date=2004-02-26 | url= | access-date=2024-02-11 | access-date=2023-11-30 | archive-url=}}</ref>