sync from sandbox;
--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------
local is_set, in_array, remove_wiki_link, strip_apostrophe_markup; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local cfg; -- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
if in_array (class, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx', 'ssrn', 'journal', 'news', 'magazine'}) or (in_array (class, {'conference', 'interview', 'map', 'press release', 'web'}) and is_set(data.Periodical)) or
('citation' == class and is_set(data.Periodical) and not is_set (data.Encyclopedia)) then
OCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal"; -- journal metadata identifier
if in_array (class, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx', 'ssrn'}) then -- set genre according to the type of citation template we are rendering OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "preprint"; -- cite arxiv, cite biorxiv, cite citeseerx, cite ssrn
elseif 'conference' == class then
OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "conference"; -- cite conference (when Periodical set)
for k, v in pairs( data.ID_list ) do -- what to do about these? For now assume that they are common to all?
if k == 'ISBN' then v = v:gsub( "[^-0-9X]", "" ); end
local id = cfg.id_handlers[k].COinS;
local last, first;
for k, v in ipairs( data.Authors ) do
cfg = cfg_table_ptr;
is_set = utilities_page_ptr.is_set; -- import functions from select selected Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities module
in_array = utilities_page_ptr.in_array;
remove_wiki_link = utilities_page_ptr.remove_wiki_link;
strip_apostrophe_markup = utilities_page_ptr.strip_apostrophe_markup;
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {