These are the mostly incorrect titles listed in Google Knowledge Graph for Sara Niemietz.
[https://www.google.com/search?q=sara+niemietz+songs&oq=sara+niemietz+songs Search result]
|alt=Knowledge grahp Songs Sara Niemietz}}
The team at Google has informed me that we need to submit individual corrections Sara Niemietz is a featured artist for Postmodern Jukebox; however, she is not the only featured artist for each songPostmodern Jukebox. Only In her Google Knowledge Graph "Sara Niemietz > Songs" only two of the songs thirty-one songs listed titles feature Sara, let's replace w Sara's titlesNiemietz.
Each section has an "edit" link, I We have provide placeholders for Title:, Album:compiled the list below of the existing titles and the preferred replacement video in order of placement. Most of these are from the Sara Niemietz catalog, Yearsome are from the Postmodern Jukebox catalog where Sara Niemietz is the featured artist. * Sara Niemietz Knowledge Graph ID = https: and Video URL//g.co/kgs/43GLc2* Sara Niemietz Official Artist Channel = https://www.youtube.com/user/SaraNiemietz
After we have this list completed, I will do the requests (copy n paste for each item from this page).