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Module:Transclusion count

1,142 bytes added, 23:38, 8 December 2019
Don't look up modules in the database (yet)
local p = {}

function p.fetch(frame)
local template = nil
local return_value = nil

-- Use demo parameter if it exists, otherswise use current template name
if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then
template = frame.args["demo"]
elseif mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 10 then -- Template namespace only
template = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text

-- If in template namespace, look up count in /data
if template ~= nil and, "Template").namespace == 10 then
template = mw.ustring.gsub(template, "/doc$", "") -- strip /doc from end
local index = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(template,1,1))
local data = mw.loadData('Module:Transclusion_count/data/' .. (mw.ustring.find(index, "%a") and index or "other"))
return_value = tonumber(data[mw.ustring.gsub(template, " ", "_")])

-- If database value doesn't exist, use value passed to template
if return_value == nil and frame.args[1] ~= nil then
local arg1=mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1], '[%d,]+')
return_value = tonumber(frame:callParserFunction('formatnum', arg1, 'R'))

return return_value

return p
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