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Template:Citation Style documentation/syntax

423 bytes added, 12:46, 7 November 2020
Nested parameters rely on their parent parameters:
*''parent''*OR: ''parent2''—may be used instead of ''parent''**''child''—may be used with ''parent'' (and is ignored if ''parent'' is not used)**OR: ''child2''—may be used instead of ''child'' (and is ignored if ''parent2'' is not used)
:Where aliases are listed, only one of the parameters may be defined; if multiple aliased parameters are defined, then only one will show. If non-hyphenated aliases of parameters with hyphens are defined, they exist only for legacy support (and are subject to become unsupported in the future); therefore, to streamline the appearance and improve consistency, select the hyphenated variant when adding parameters to a citation template and also consider switching already present non-hyphenated parameters to their hyphenated equivalents at the same time.