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The equation that broke the Internet

144 bytes added, 05:51, 23 March 2020
I realized that shorthand parenthetical notation could become a problem when I was taking a 'C' programming course in college. Unfortunately, we are still using code that was written for computers that had severe memory limitations.
Unlike humans, mathematics modules do not look ahead to identify a parenthetical expression embedded within an equation. In the 'C' language, to process our given equation , we need explicit operators adjacent to the first parenthesis; additionally, we must maintain the grouping of our function(s).''Still to this day, many programming languages / spreadsheets cannot process a parenthetical expression without an explicit operator.''
''Still to this dayEntering the equation into a programming language, many programming languages / spreadsheets cannot process a parenthetical expression without an or low quality calculator require the explicit operatormultiplication symbol and outer parenthesis.''
'''6÷2(1+2) == 6÷(2*(1+2))'''